As is my annual custom, I did not open any email accumulated during the holiday season until January 6th, a full twelve days after Christmas. This allows me ample time to decompress after the holidays and resume life as normal without being inundated by an avalanche of emails.
This year, during my first email check of the year, I was delighted to find the following email, which was sent to me on Christmas Day:
This year, during my first email check of the year, I was delighted to find the following email, which was sent to me on Christmas Day:
Dear Corey,
First of all, I'd like to applaud your excellent blog. Finally a place where I can share my finds! You seem like someone who sees the sheer beauty and universal essence that is the Triple Peanut. Therefore, I feel I can trust you with this short personal story..
Me and my brother Daniel have a history with Triple Peanuts. A few years ago, I was snacking from a random bag of relatively cheap peanuts, bought at the local grocery store. After a few hands of lesser peanuts (two or less nuts), I found a genuine Triple Peanut! There was only one problem; There was no one around to share my joy.. I decided to keep the Triple Peanut safe, so I could show it to my brother, who surely would appreciate this awesome find.
When he visited me a couple of days later, I held the Triple Peanut in my fist, knuckles up. I reached out my arm and said: "Got something for ya." He opened his hand, and I passed the Triple Peanut to my brother, who instantly understood the gravity of the event that had just occurred.
Since that day, whenever one of us finds a Triple Peanut, we save it for the each other, handing them over exactly the way we did the first time! True story.
I've included a few pics of the pretty huge Triple Peanut I got from my brother a couple a few days ago. Hope you like 'm!
Merry Christmas!
Steven D.
Weert, Holland
Here are the pictures:
"Smoking can seriously damage you and others around you."
And a Merry Christmas to you, dear Steven! First of all, I want to assure you that you can place your trust in this special little corner of the Internet to always treat the Wondrous Triple with the extremely high levels of respect and admiration that it most assuredly deserves. Nothing less will be tolerated in these hallowed pages. You have my word.
Now onto your Triples. "Sheer beauty and universal essence" . . . so well put. For surely we and the Triple are fundamentally one in the same. It is this very shared essence that makes our bond with a Triple Peanut so special and so enduring. This bond is forged long before consumption, long before even discovery. When a person and a Tri-nut find each other, it is but a step in a journey begun long ago. This journey of course being consummated in the sacred act of consumption when our physical forms unite.
That you and your brother have decided to share this journey together shows that you both clearly understand what full appreciation of the Glorious Triple entails. On this journey, as in life, there will be many triumphs. But without loved ones to share them, these triumphs ring as hollow as an empty shell post consumption. Like a wedding without guests, the moment of discovery is beautiful in and of itself, but only when shared with those closest to us does it become truly transcendent. At the very least, the situation calls for a traditional celebratory fist bump.
On the other hand certain pitfalls are an inevitability. I myself have seen nary a Triple in many months. Steven, you and my dear friend Hana have carried me through this unfortunate (but temporary) drought by graciously sharing not only your peanuts, but more importantly, your deep, respectful admiration of the legume. It is a delightful coincidence that we were brought together by our shared passion during this, the holiday season. The Glorious Triple works in mysterious ways; it is not our duty to question these, but merely to accept them and be prepared should a Triple enter our lives. There are opportunities all around us to bask in the warm glow of Triple discovery; it is our charge to identify them as such and seize them to the fullest.
So thank you again, Steven, for the first Dutch Triple Peanut I have ever seen. May your new year be filled with the soft, supple Light of the Triple and may you be surrounded by scores of loved ones to dance with you in its tender glow.